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Edward Troy 1860-1924   Sarah Troy 1862-1925

The awful murder of James Troy

(Have not worked out what relationship he is to our family)



From the Waterford News 31st Oct 1851

Text Box: Dungarvan, Oct. 28, 1851 

On the night of the 27th instant, a man of the name of James Troy, bailiff and driver, was on his way home from Ardmore, and at a place called Killingford, within two miles of this town, was way-laid by some persons, who most brutally murdered him. The unfortunate man's head was literally broken with stones, so much so, that it was impossible to recognise him by his features, as the head was divided into four parts, which was tossed about the road, together with the brains. I understand the principal cause of this most awful murder was, that Troy was to give some evidence against some parties at the present Quarter Sessions, which would prove most injurious to them, and be instrumental in having them shipped off from this unfortunate country. Thomas Dennehy, Esq., Coroner, held an inquest on the body of the deceased this day, and the verdict of the jury was, "That James Troy was wilfully murdered by some person or persons at present unknown." On this morning (the 28th) the police were ordered out, under the command of their most efficient and excellent officer, Charles M. Kierns, Esq., and most providentially he succeeded in apprehending the supposed murderers, five in number, three men and two women, who were lodged in our Bridewell to await the investigation of the magistrates this day. I shall send you the result of this important examination, and would have done so this day, but not having been concluded up to the time of post hour.




This is the case which was tried at the last Spring Assizes, as against John Ahearn, who was then found guilty of the crime, and sentenced to death, but which was afterwards commuted to transportation for life. The indictment runs to the following effect:--
John Ahearn, Maurice Ahearn, and Patrick Brown stand indicted that they, on the 27th October, in the 15th of the Queen [1851], at Killongford, in the county of Waterford, with malice propense, did conspire to murder James Troy, against the peace and statute. In consequence of the prisoners not agreeing to join in their challenges, John Ahearn was tried at alone at the last Spring Assizes, and the further hearing of the case was postponed till the present time. Mr. George, Q.C., having inquired if the two remaining traversers would now join in their challenge, and being answered in the negative, His Lordship remarked that they had the right of doing so ; but if it should turn out that the Court would be unable to go into the case of the second at this Assizes, he could not, under such circumstances, complain, if detained in prison until the next Commission. His Lordship then requested that they would consider well what they were about to do. The prisoners not being satisfied, Mr. George signified his intention on part of the Crown to proceed with the trial of Maurice Ahearn, who was then placed at the bar.

Mr. Dennehy (Clerk of Crown) commenced empanelling a jury for the purpose. [Those names marked (c) were challenged, and the names to which the numerals are affixed were sworn to try the case.] Nelson T. Foley (1), George L. Keane (c), Philip Kearney (c), Robert Backes (c), John W. Langley (c), B. W. Kielly (2), Alexander Kennedy (3), Edmond Russell (c), Mathew W. Biggs (c), James A. Merrit (c), John R. Steele (c), Stephen Gamble (4), Thomas Smith (c), Hancock Strangman (c), Henry Langly (5), John Wyse Furlong (6), Richard Barker (c), Henry Wilson (7), William Moore (8), John W. Maher (9), George Moore (c), Wm. Budd (c), Thomas Kelly (10), George Kelly (11), John Caulfield (c), Robert Carroll (c), Paul Heney (12).

Mr. George stated the case in a remarkably clear manner, and differing in no material point of view from the manner in which the like duty was performed by Mr. Scott, Q.C., at last Assizes, and with which our readers are acquainted. Richard Roberts, (C.E.,) was the first witness called, who proved the accuracy of the map, which had been prepared by him, of the neighbourhood in which the murder was committed
Thomas Sherlock sworn, and examined by Mr. Pennefather, Q.C.—I reside in Bandon ; I have been acting as agent for Mr. H. Walsh, the owner of the property of Grange, for over 10 years ; I know the prisoner—he held part of those lands, and his yearly rent is about £62—John Ahearn and Patrick Brown were also tenants on those lands ; James Troy was my bailiff on this property ; in the month of June, '52 [sic], the prisoner was indebted to me, and I took his note for the rent then due—I had made an abatement on him previously ; I subsequently ordered proceedings to be taken on that note, and upon those of other of the tenants, including John Ahearn and Patrick Brown ; Mr. Kelly was my Attorney ; the Sessions took place at Dungarvan about the 1st of October, 1851.
Court—What became of those notes?

Witness—I obtained decrees against Maurice Ahearn and others—against Ahearn for £38, 6s. 10d., exclusive of costs ; the decree against Maurice Ahearn was since paid £20—the balance—was paid about a month ago ; the first payment was made upon it about the time the case occurred.
Witness, voluntarily—I must say that up to that time I fancied that Maurice Ahearn was one of the best tenants on the lands.
Cross-examined by Mr. Meagher—I cannot say that the rent was £77 a-year, as I have not my books with me ; the amount of the note was something over the half years rent, I believe ; I thought up to that time that he was a very honest man—I never had any trouble with him.
George Keilly (Solicitor) examined by Mr. Lawson, Q.C.,—I recollect the sessions of Dungarvan, which took place in October '51 ; these are the documents [the I. O. U's.,] on which processes were issued from my office they purport to be witnessed by James Troy ; I recollect the 26th of October—the sessions were going on ; those cases were not called on, on the first day ; I know Maurice Ahearn now ; I cannot say that he had any direct communication with me ; these decrees [handed witness by counsel] were obtained at that sessions ; the handwriting of the late James Troy was proved by another party ; I cannot say that any of the parties against whom those decrees were granted were then present.
Cross-examined by Mr. Curtis—Troy was an attesting witness to the notes ; I knew him as the bailiff of Mr. Sherlock, and believe that he acted generally in that capacity ; I know of his being an attesting witness in other cases—he appeared in court on the proceeding [sic] evening to prove some handwriting—it was a defended case ; I think the defendants name was Hannigan but I do not know any more about him.
To the court—Troy was there on the first day of the sessions, the 27th ; on the 28th the decrees were obtained, that was the day on which his death was proved ; I am not aware of his having to prove against any other tenants on the 26th.
William Hally examined by Mr. George.—I live about an English mile from the lands of Grange ; I know the Ahearn's [sic] and Brown ; I saw Maurice Ahearn at my house on Sunday evening, the 26th of Oct. ; he said that he intended to defend the process against Mr. Sherlock, but I did not hear him say anything then about Troy ; I heard him say at one time that Troy was a blackguard and ought to be kicked [The foregoing evidence was not given by this witness at the former trial]—I was in Dungarvan on the 27th—I had a process against a man named Hannigan ; Troy was there also, as he was a subscribing witness ; he proved my case, which came on about night fall ; the Court broke up about six o'clock ; I believe that my case was second to last ; when we came out, he told me that he was badly off for his supper and a bed ; I went to Keane's house with him for the purpose, and did not stop long there—I settled for his bed and supper ; we went out together, and I brought him to Fitzgerald's to give him half a glass of spirits ; when we were leaving Keane's, I saw John Ahearn, brother of the prisoner, at Keans's door—he was standing I believe inside of the door ; I did not see any person with him then ; he went down the street in the same direction with us ; when we went into Fitzgerald's he stopped outside ; we did not stop but while Troy was drinking the half glass of whiskey ; we then came out and I proceeded with Troy about half way to Keane's house and took leave of him for the night ; Troy went towards Keane's house ; after I took leave of him, John Ahearn went in the same direction ; I went home then, and never saw Troy alive again afterwards ; I knew Patrick Brown, and saw him in Dungarvan that day ; I did not see Maurice Ahearn that day ; I heard that Troy was killed about eleven o'clock on the next day.Cross-examined by Mr. Meagher—My case was one of the last in the evening ; I had only one witness ; Hannigan had witnesses against me and disputed my claim ; Hannigan was there with his brother and a number of witnesses—I cannot say how many ; Hannigan lives about a mile from Grange, and in the same direction from Dungarvan, but beyond Grange ; Hannigan and his friends would go home the same road with the Ahearns ; I was not a bit astonished at hearing Troy called a blackguard ; I cannot say how long before the murder was committed that I heard that expression used—it might be two months ; no one heard him make use of the expression but myself—it occurred in the entry ; I did not make an entry of what he said then ; I never heard anything of Maurice Ahearn but the best of good character before this occurrence.

Patrick Keane, a lad of about thirteen years of age, was next produced, and examined by Mr. Lynch—I live with my step-mother in Dungarvan ; I knew James Troy and recollect the October Sessions there ; he came to my father's house about 7 or eight o'clock—there was another man named Hally with him ; they went into the kitchen, which is opposite the shop door ; it is separated from the shop by a partition of boards, and there is a square window cut in the boards something larger than the crown of a hat—it is without glass ; a person in the shop could see into the kitchen ; while they were there a man came into the shop, and there was another outside the door ; I would know the man who came into the shop—he was here at the last Assizes ; I heard that his name was Herrn ; he asked my step-mother for milk.
Mr. Meagher objected to let in the observations of John Ahearn. The Court ruled in his favour.
Examination resumed—I saw John Ahearn look in towards the kitchen ; he left the shop shortly after that ; I saw James Troy and Hally leave the kitchen shortly after that, and he went out before them ; Ahearn turned down the street before them.
Cross-examined by Mr. Meagher—I was at the last Assizes ; I was not sure of John Ahearn in Dungarvan ; I got sure of him after I was examined in the Crown Office ; I knew him amongst other men in the jail ; I admitted in Dungarvan that I could not be sure of him there ; I saw him the night that Troy was killed ; I saw him four days after that in jail when he was taken for the murder ; I was brought to see him, and could only swear to the best of my belief ; I was brought by the police to the jail on that occasion. To the Court—I was asked if he was the man, and I said to the best of my belief that he was—I had a full opportunity of seeing him then. [This had reference to his identification at Dungarvan.]
Mr. Meagher resumed the cross-examination, but nothing more of any importance was elicited.
Ellen Keane [step-mother of the last witness] was examined by Mr. Pennefather, and corroborated the direct evidence given by the boy.


Edmond Lynch was next produced, and stated that he was a bailiff on the lands of Grange, and in the habit of assisting James Troy. He also proved to having seen Troy in the square of Dungarvan, and not far distant from the Ahearns, who were there also. [The testimony of this witness was of no importance.]

William O'Brien [examined by Mr. Lawson]—I live at Lockinagrene in this county I knew all the parties ; I live about three or four miles from them, and my sister is married to Brown ; I was at the sessions of Dungarvan on Monday and when the court was over, I went to Mrs. Maurice O'Brien's house to take my lodgings there ; I saw Pat. Brown and his wife, Maurice Ahearn and Jame [sic] Troy and to the best of my belief Troy's daughter with them—two or three of them came in together ; John Ahearn and Maurice's wife and his own wife came in afterwards ; they went into the room and called me with them ; they called for half a pint of whiskey and a shilling's worth of bread, a gallon of porter, and to the best of my belief a pint of whiskey while they were there ; we all sat down together ; I was sober at the time, as I was then and now a teetotaller ; I heard Troy say that he was going to decree the tenants of Grange to-morrow, and if they would take his advice they'd make up £3 17 [the cost of the keepers] between them that he would go home with them and not attend as a witness on the following day ; he also said that after that he would be done with Mr. Sherlocks employ ; there was a sign of liquor on him at the time, but not much ; they said that if he'd go home with them then, they with the other tenants, would make up the money for him as it would be unfair to ask them to pay it all, and when made up they would put it in the hands of one Connolly till after the sessions ; he said he would not go home with them upon that condition, but if they would then make up £3 he would trust to Dennis Flynn to make up the remaining 17s., he also said that it should be lodged with me as I was present ; I refused to take it, but his daughter and himself pressed me to take it ; I did so and I was to keep the money until after the sessions, and if he was to save them from the decrees I was to give the money to him and if not I was to return it to themselves ; when they had finished the drink we all went out together and went over opposite Maurice Duggans house in the square where Maurice Ahearns horse and cart were in the yard ; when the horse and cart were brought out Troy said he would not go home ; his daughter pressed him and after some words I heard her say that wherever he'd stop she would stop with him ; I then went away to my lodgings ; Troy was very drunk but able to walk well ; Maurice Ahearn and Patrick Brown would not be noticed as having drunk anything. John Ahearn had more sign of drink upon him than any of them ; the women were all sober.
Cross-examined by Mr. Meagher—Biddy got a fair share of what was going, I saw her first with a glass of whiskey drinking it ; I don't know whether it was porter or a dandy of punch she drank after ; I saw another glass of whiskey in her hand and she drank a part of it and spilled the remainder of it ; after all there was no sign of drink upon her ; Troy drank like the rest of them ; I saw no attempt made to make him drunk more than any one else ; I saw Brown stop him at one time, take the glass out of his hand, saying that it was not his turn and drank it himself.


 Bridget Troy [daughter of deceased] examined by Mr. George—I knew of my father making a distress upon the lands of John Ahearn, about a month before his death ; on the 20th October he left home about four o'clock in the morning ; I left the house about two o'clock the same day ; our pig had been taken by the police the same day ; I went to Dungarvan, which is about eight miles from home, and reached town about half past five in the evening ; I could scarcely see any one at the time, but for the gas which was there ; Maurice Ahearn was with my father when I met him ; I saw him at the Widow O'Brien's house ; when they went in first there was but a part of the company there, but they came in afterwards ; they sat down and called for three half pints of whiskey altogether, three half gallons of beer, and a shilling's worth of bread. [The testimony of this witness coincided exactly with that of Wm. O'Brien, up to the period of his leaving them in the square] We all went towards home then, passing up by the "White Joiner's" ; there is a gate on the side of the road between the "White Joiner's" and the Sluice ; I saw the car at this side of the Sluice with the four men in it ; while my father was walking, before he got into the car, he was between Patrick Brown and Maurice Ahearn, who were supporting him ; I did not see my father get into the car ; the women remained with me ; the men in the car drove on before us, but not very fast nor very easy—the night was dark, and they were soon out of our sight ; Brown had a single horse, which was ridden by his wife ; it was at the Dungarvan side of the Sluice I saw the car for the last time ; Ellen Ahearn and I went on together, and Brown's wife was behind with the horse ; at Roche's forge, in Killongford, we met Pat Brown facing towards Dungarvan—I did not see anyone with him, nor had he a stick with him then. [The witness stated that he had a handstick with him at the public-house.] He said he came back to see what was keeping us ; he waited for his wife who had not come up at the time, and Ellen Ahearn and I went on to the short-cut. [This was described as being a pathway over a hill, to avoid a more lengthy way by the high-road which wound round it.] We sat down at the end of the pathway to remain until Brown and the two women should come up ; we were not sitting there more than three or four minutes till we heard three blows given ; they were in the direction of the high-road as I would go home from where we sat ; I cannot say how far they were from me—they could not be far—they were heavy dead blows, and did not make a sharp noise. [Instead of sharp, the witness used the word bright.] Brown was in the opposite direction at the time, not having come up with the women ; I did not go by the way I heard the blows ; after hearing the blows we went back towards the forge and remained there till Brown and his wife and John Ahearn and his wife came up to us ; we all then proceeded towards home together and went up the short cut ; when Brown came up to us with the women, himself and his wife were riding the horse ; he came a part of the way with us up the path but said that he would not get to go that way with the horse, and that he should take him by another path down in the Glynn—I don't know how he went ; all the women went over the mountain, and Brown overtook us shortly after ; his wife got up with him then and went before us—they were at home when we reached his house ; I stopped at Brown's house that night and slept on a table in the room ; it was very late in the night when we reached there, and I remained but about two hours and got up very early in the morning ; Brown's wife and I went to Maurice Ahearn's house, which is about half a mile from it ; I went in and went up in the room ; Maurice Ahearn's wife was dressing herself, Ahearn himself was in the bed ; his wife said, "Biddy, it was Maurice made the noise last night" ; Maurice was then in the room and heard her say so ; I asked him why he did it and he said he did it to know if it were you were there ; he said that he parted with the car at Killingford short cut, and that it was on before him ; I asked him then where my father was, and he said he supposed that he was with John ; he said that my father and John were in the car then—Mary Brown was in the kitchen when he said that ; I went down to John Ahearn's house then—Brown's wife was with me ; I saw two girls there ; I went to the room door and heard John Ahearn speak—The Court thought that what John Ahearn said was not admissible on the present occasion.









Examination continued—I went to my father's house, where I remained for a short time, and then went to Patrick Brown's ; all the men were there ; I said to them, you are all here now but one, and you have not given me any account of him ; the three women went out and left me—I heard nothing of my father from them ; I went towards Dungarvan shortly afterwards, about the pig that was taken the day before ; it was then I heard of my father's death from the police ; I went to the place about three weeks after that to where I heard the noise, and pointed it out to the police.

Cross-examine by Mr. Meagher—It was at the "White Joiner's" that my father got into the car, not at Hudson's Gate ; I could not say that at the last Assizes that it was at Hudson's Gate, because I knew that it was not ; Brown asked me to get into the car ; I refused to do so, because I did not like to do it and leave the other women or treat them in that way.

Nancy Curran was next examined, and stated that she was a servant at Mrs. O'Brien's in Dungarvan on the night the parties were there. Her testimony was of very little moment.

Patrick Broderick examined by Mr. Pennefather—I live two miles from Grange ; I act occasionally as bailiff I play the fiddle also ; I was acting as keeper on the lands of Grange in Sept. '51 ; I went to Brown's house about the 12th of Oct., and saw his wife on that occasion ; she asked me in Brown's presence did I hear what Troy did now—Mr. Meagher objected to this evidence.

The Court agreed with Mr. Meagher and ruled accordingly.

John Deacon (process server) was next examined as to a certain expression used by John Ahearn in his presence previous to the sessions at Dungarvan. The expression was that a man named Farrell said to him (Ahearn) that the tenants had no spirit or they would go into the house and bring out Troy and make four quarters out of him.

Mr. Meagher objected to the evidence at the commencement but His Lordship ruled against him, remarking that if it should seem objectionable to him when the witness had concluded that he would withdraw it from the jury. Mr. Meagher objected to its being at all heard by the jury and requested his lordship to take a note of the objection which he did.

Doctor W. George Clarke was examined as to the appearance of the body at the inquest.

A few Police constables were also examined, after which Counsel for the Crown intimated that they had closed.

Mr. Meagher submitted to his Lordship that leaving out the evidence of Deacon, which he had stated he would, there was not one scintilla of evidence left to go to the jury. His Lordship thought that there was.

Mr. Curtis then addressed the jury for the defence in a speech of great length, remarkable throughout for its point and ability, and which we regret not having space to insert.

His Lordship at the conclusion of Mr. Curtis's address charged the jury in as impartial a manner as it was possible for man to do. He recapitulated every particle of evidence and explained the law where he thought that they might not fully understand it, as it bore on the case under their consideration. The charge occupied nearly an hour in delivery.


The jury then retired to their room and after the elapse of about ten minutes returned into the court with a verdict of Guilty.



Distant relations in America.

Descendants of James Troy who married Margaret O'Donnell.

From Bill.

Generation 1

1. JAMES1 TROY was born in 1750.

James Troy had the following children:

i. WILLIAM2 TROY was born in 1790. He married BRIGID GUIVANAN.





2. vi. JAMES TROY. He married Margaret Donnell on 06 Feb 1832 in Cappoquin Parish,

Co. Waterford, Ireland.

Generation 2

2. JAMES2 TROY (James1). He married Margaret Donnell on 06 Feb 1832 in Cappoquin Parish, Co.

Waterford, Ireland.

Notes for James Troy:

Witnesses at their marriage were James Donnell and James Carney. Sponsors for their children's

baptisms were: Thomas and Mary Kennedy (Patrick), Daniel O'Donnell and Ellen Morrissey

(Thomas), John Donnell and Mary Donohoe (Mary), John and Margaret Hearne (Catherine),

Patrick Morrissey and Catherine Donnell (Ellen), Patrick and Mary Donnell (James), and John

Donnell and Brigid Corbeyy (John).

James Troy and Margaret Donnell had the following children:

i. PATRICK3 TROY was born on 22 Jan 1833. He died on 23 Apr 1913.

Notes for Patrick Troy:

Lived at 6 Oswego Street, Boston in 1880 Census

ii. THOMAS TROY was born about 1834. He died in 1904.

iii. MARY TROY was born on 12 Jun 1836.

3. iv. CATHERINE TROY was born on 07 Apr 1838 in Co. Waterford, Ireland. She died on

22 Dec 1906 in West Newton, Middlesex, MA. She married David McBride, son of

John McBride and Bridget Doran, on 25 Nov 1866 in Waltham, Middlesex, MA. He

was born on 19 Aug 1840 in Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada. He died on 28 Apr

1903 in West Newton, Middlesex, MA.

v. ELLEN TROY was born on 23 Sep 1839.

vi. MICHAEL TROY was born on 26 Sep 1841.

vii. JAMES TROY was born on 17 Nov 1843.

4. viii. JOHN TROY was born on 08 Sep 1845 in Cappoquin Parish, Co. Waterford, Ireland.

He died on 20 May 1900 in Newton, Middlesex, MA. He married Julia Foley,

daughter of Solomon Foley and Julia Dalton, on 28 Jan 1870 in Waltham,

Middlesex, MA. She was born about 1844 in Ireland.

ix. EDMOND TROY was born on 05 Jul 1847.

Generation 3

3. CATHERINE3 TROY (James2, James1) was born on 07 Apr 1838 in Co. Waterford, Ireland. She died

on 22 Dec 1906 in West Newton, Middlesex, MA. She married David McBride, son of John McBride

and Bridget Doran, on 25 Nov 1866 in Waltham, Middlesex, MA. He was born on 19 Aug 1840 in

Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada. He died on 28 Apr 1903 in West Newton, Middlesex, MA.

Notes for Catherine Troy:

Otrehy, Troy

Though not numerous in Ireland the name Troy is not uncommon in Co. Tipperary and surrounding

areas. The location of this small sept (which originated in Co. Clare but did not remain there) was in

Notes for David McBride:

David McBride, b. August 19, 1840, Windsor, Nova Scotia, son of John and Bridget (Doran)


d. April 28, 1903 after a long illness (Newton Graphic, 5/1/1903)

m. Catherine Troy, daughter of James and Margaret (O'Donnell) Troy, b. c. 1842 in County

Waterford, Ireland, and d. of heart trouble, December 22, 1906 (Newton Graphic, 12/28/1906).

On February 7, 1863, at age 21, he sailed from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Boston, on the Bark Halifax,

intending to become an inhabitant of the United States.

David listed his residence as Boston when he enlisted in the Sixteenth Battery MA Light Artillery on

March 8, 1864. He was mustered out at Camp Meigs, Readville, MA, on June 27, 1865. On

October 25, 1866, he was married to Catherine Troy by Rev. B. Hood in Waltham (MA Marriage

Records vol. 190, p. 256, #97). Since David had appears to have been included in the Nova Scotia

census of 1861, so he must have made his way from Windsor to Boston sometime between the

time the census was taken in 1861 and when he enlisted in 1864.

David first appeared in the Newton City Directory in 1868, residing in a house on Pine Street, near

River. Patrick McBride appeared at the same residence in that year. He was absent from the

1871 Directory, but was listed as residing in a house on Pine Street again in 1873 and 1875. In

1877, he had moved to a house on Cherry Street, near River. In 1881, he was a carpenter at W.

Pettigrew's, living in a house on Cherry Street near Henshaw. The 1885 Directory refers to a

house on Cherry Street "opposite" Henshaw. The 1887 Directory listed his place of employment at

71 Bedford Street, Boston, and in 1889 his residence was 309 Cherry Street. From my cousin

Paul E. Long, Jr., I know this to be a house which he built and in which his family lived until his

daughter, Alice, died in 1955. His obituary appeared in the Newton Graphic, Friday May 1, 1903:

Died.Generation 3 (cont.)

the Clogheen district of Co. Tipperary: their association with that part of the country is perpetuated

in the place-name Ballytrehy. O'Trehy is an older anglicized form of the name in use as late as the

seventeenth century, but now very rare: O'Trehy is a phonetic rendering of the Irish O Trioighthigh,

presumably derived from the Irish word Trioghtheach meaning a foot-soldier. The name in the 1659

census is spelt Trohy and it appears among the more numerous names in the baronies of Eliogarty

and Ikerrin, Co. Tipperary. Another place-name is Castletroy, now a suburb of Limerick. The name

was closely associated with that city and appears very frequently in its earliest records. Henry Troy

was Provost of Limerick in 1197. In 1198 the first mayor and sheriffs were chosen: between that

date and 1463 no less than twenty-one Troys held one or another of those offices. The best known

Irishman so called was Most Rev. Thomas Troy (1739-1823), Archbishop of Dublin: he was noted

for his strong and forcibly expressed views in opposition to popular Irish sentiment, e.g. his censure

of the priests who took part in the 1798 Rising, his denunciation of the Whiteboys and his advocacy

of the Union; he was also a co-founder of St. Patrick's College, Maynooth. The well-known

American painter of horses was not of this stock: his father was a Frenchman called de Troye, and

this family is also found in Ireland, where it has been gaelicized as de Treo.


Newton Graphic, Friday, December 28, 1906.

Mrs. McBride. Mrs. Catherine McBride, widow of the late David J. McBride, died at her home on

Cherry Street, West Newton, Saturday, of heart trouble, after a long period of failing health. She

was 64 years of age. Two sons and six daughters survive her. Requiem High Mass was

celebrated by Rev. L. J. O'Toole of St,. Bernard's Church, Monday morning at 9 o'clock and Rev.

Father Costello of Brockton, an old friend of the family, was in the church. There was a large

company of relatives and friends present and numerous floral tributes. The bearers were Messrs.

George Saunders, John Conners, Francis McGourty, Edward Lyons; Maurice B. Coleman and

William O'Brien. The burial was in Cavalry cemetery, Waltham.

The Cappoquin Parish (Co. Waterford) Records, birth register 1810-1870, p. 286, list a CatherineTroy who was baptised 07 Apr 1838. This appears to be about four years earlier than Catherine

(Troy) McBride was born.


Cont...opposite side


Distant relations in America.

Descendants of James Troy who married Margaret O'Donnell.

Generation 3 (cont.)

MacBride at West Newton, April 28. David J. MacBride, aged 62 years, 8 months, 9 days.

Mr. David J. MacBride, a resident of this place for about 50 years, died at his home on Cherry

Street last Tuesday after a long illness. He was a native of Windsor, N.S., where he was born on

August 19, 1840. Deceased was a carpenter by trade and was for many years in the employ of

Brown, Durrell &, of Boston. He was a veteran of the Civil War, having been a member of the MA

16th Battery, and was a member of Charles Ward Post 62, GAR. A widow, two sons and six

daughters survive him. The funeral was held from St. Bernard's Church yesterday morning at 9

o'clock, high mass of requiem being celebrated by Rev. L. J. O'Toole, and a delegation was

present from Post 62. The interment was in Cavalry cemetery, Waltham.

*Note: All records in Nova Scotia and MA prior to this obituary carried the spelling McBride. In

1909, Harry D. changed the spelling to MacBride in the Newton City Directory, and all subsequent

references carried the latter spelling. The only reference I have seen between the above obituary

and the 1909 records that carried the McBride spelling was the obituary of Catherine (Troy)

McBride (see below).

MA Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Civil War, Vol. V.

McBride, David - Priv. Res. Boston; carpenter; 23; enl. March 8, 1864; must. March 11, 1864;

must. Out June 27, 1865 (p. 550).

The 16th Batty. MA Vol. Lt. Arty., the last light battery raised in MA, was recruited at Camp

Meigs, Readville, in the early part of 1864. Most of the officers and men were mustered into the

service March 11, and on the 17th of April the men were ordered to proceed to Washington.

Leaving MA, April 19, under command of Capt. Henry D. Scott, formerly a first lieutenant in

the 5th Battery, two days later the capital was reached, and the battery reported to Maj. James A.

Hall at Camp Barry near the Bladensburg Toll Gate on the northeasterly outskirts of Washington.

Here on the 29th of April it received a full equipment of horses and 3 inch guns. About the middle

of May it was sent to Fort Thayer, one of the northerly defenses of Washington, where it remained

for about a week, when it returned to Fort Thayer.

On June 1, having turned in its guns and horses, two sections were sent to Fort Lyon and

one to Fort Weed southwest of Alexandria, Va., where they were drilled as heavy artillery. On July

10, when Early with a large Confederate force was menacing Washington, the command was

ordered to Fort Reno near Tennallytown on the northwesterly outskirts of the District of Columbia,

but on arriving was assigned to duty at Fort Kearney. Here the men remained two days, until the

Confederate force had withdrawn from the front of the capital, after which they returned to their old

station at Camp Barry.

On July 13 the command was again equipped with four 12 pounders and horses and

remained at Camp Barry most of the time until September 5, when it was ordered to Albany, N.Y.

There it was stationed at the Troy Road Barracks until November 16, when it entrained for

Washington, and on the 19th was again quartered at Camp Barry. Here, November 26, it received

two more 12 pounders giving it now a full complement of a six gun battery.

On December 16 the battery crossed the Potomac and proceeded to Fairfax Court House,

where it reported to Col. William Gamble commanding the 1st Separate Brigade. One section was

then sent to Vienna on the Loudon and Hampshire Railroad and one to Fairfax Station on the

Orange and Alexandria Railroad, while the other section with the battery headquarters remained at

Fairfax Court House on the Little River Turnpike midway between the other two. Here the battery

remained doing picket and guard duty during the winter of 1864-65.

In March, 1865, it accompanied the 8th Illinois Cavalry on an expedition into Loudon

Valley, returning to Fairfax Court House where it remained until June 17 when it received orders to

proceed to MA. On the 18th it marched to Washington, and turned in its guns and equipment, and

on the following day entrained for New York. Remaining over night at the New England Rooms in

that city it then continued on its journey home. On June 22 the men arrived at their old rendezvous

at Camp Meigs, Readville, where on the 27th they were mustered out of the United States service.

However, delays occurred so that it was not until the 13th of July that they were finally paid off and

disbanded (page 546).

David McBride and Catherine Troy had the following children:

Generation 3 (cont.)

i. MARY CECILIA4 MCBRIDE was born on 25 Sep 1867. She died in 1949.

ii. CATHERINE G. MCBRIDE was born on 16 Aug 1869. She died in 1949.

iii. HARRY D. MCBRIDE was born on 17 Apr 1871. He died in 1927.

iv. ALLICE B. MCBRIDE was born on 03 Sep 1873. She died in 1955.

v. HELEN F. MCBRIDE was born on 13 Oct 1874. She died in 1921.

vi. AGNES M. MCBRIDE was born on 01 Aug 1876. She died in 1922.

5. vii. JOHN EDWARD MCBRIDE was born on 07 Oct 1878. He married MILDRED F. POWERS.

She was born about 1884 in Salt Springs, Nova Scotia, Canada.

6. viii. SUSAN GENEVIEVE MCBRIDE was born on 28 Apr 1882 in West Newton, Middlesex,

MA. She died on 02 May 1943 in Holbrook, Norfolk, MA. She married Stephen

DeVeaux Jervey, son of James Laird Jervey and Sarah Elizabeth DeVeaux, on 06

Apr 1910 in St. Bernard's Rectory, West Newton, Middlesex, MA, by Rev. C. J.

Galligan. He was born on 16 Sep 1876 in Charleston, Charleston, SC. He died on

28 Nov 1939 in Brockton, Plymouth, MA.

4. JOHN3 TROY (James2, James1) was born on 08 Sep 1845 in Cappoquin Parish, Co. Waterford,

Ireland. He died on 20 May 1900 in Newton, Middlesex, MA. He married Julia Foley, daughter of

Solomon Foley and Julia Dalton, on 28 Jan 1870 in Waltham, Middlesex, MA. She was born about

1844 in Ireland.

John Troy and Julia Foley had the following children:

i. KATY4 TROY was born on 22 Jul 1873.

ii. MARGARET TROY was born on 28 Apr 1875.

iii. NELLIE TROY was born on 25 Jan 1878.

iv. MARY TROY was born about 1872.

Generation 4

5. JOHN EDWARD4 MCBRIDE (Catherine3 Troy, James2 Troy, James1 Troy) was born on 07 Oct 1878.

He married MILDRED F. POWERS. She was born about 1884 in Salt Springs, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Notes for John Edward McBride:

The April 2, 1930 census listed their residence at 47 Madison Street, Quincy, Norfolk, MA. His

occupation at the time was salesman in a shoe sstore.

John Edward McBride and Mildred F. Powers had the following children:

i. RICHARD D.5 MACBRIDE was born on 05 Apr 1913. He died in Dec 1981 in Quincy,

Norfolk, MA.

ii. MARIE J. MACBRIDE was born about 1917.

iii. JOSEPH S. MACBRIDE was born on 03 Dec 1925. He died on 26 Mar 1992 in Quincy,

Norfolk, MA.

6. SUSAN GENEVIEVE4 MCBRIDE (Catherine3 Troy, James2 Troy, James1 Troy) was born on 28 Apr

1882 in West Newton, Middlesex, MA. She died on 02 May 1943 in Holbrook, Norfolk, MA. She

married Stephen DeVeaux Jervey, son of James Laird Jervey and Sarah Elizabeth DeVeaux, on

06 Apr 1910 in St. Bernard's Rectory, West Newton, Middlesex, MA, by Rev. C. J. Galligan. He

was born on 16 Sep 1876 in Charleston, Charleston, SC. He died on 28 Nov 1939 in Brockton,

Plymouth, MA.

Notes for Susan Genevieve McBride:

Brockton [MA] Enterprise, May 3, 1943.

" Holbrook, Norfolk, MAy 3. - Mrs. Susan G. Jervey, widow of the late Stephen Jervey of Royal

avenue, passed away at her home Sunday morning following an illnes of several months. Mrs.

Jervey was a daughter of the late David J. and Katherine (Troy) MacBride of West Newton.

"She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Paul Long of Royal avenue, Miss Marion Jervey, at

home, and one son, Charles Jervey, who leaves soon for duty in the U.S. Navy; also three sisters,

the Misses Minnie, Katherine, and Alice MacBride of West Newton, and two grandchildren, Paul

Generation 4 (cont.)

and Natalie Long.

"Mrs. Jervey was a member of the Laurel Social Club and was beloved by all who knew her for

her friendly, cheerful personality.

"Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Joseph's church, Holbrook,

of which the deceased was a communicant. Burial will be in the family plot in Union cemetery,


Notes for Stephen DeVeaux Jervey:

Graduated from The Citadel in 1895.

From U.S. military records:

Enlisted 7/27/1901 at Ft. Moultrie, SC (address: 136 Tradd Street, Charleston); assigned to Co.

75 U.S. Coast Artillery; discharged 7/26/1904 - a. Sgt.

Enlisted 5/15/1905; assigned to Troop H, 1st U.S. Cavalry; transferred to 75th Company, Coast

Artillery, 10/8/1905; discharged 5/14/1908 - a. Sgt.

Enlisted 9/16/1908; assigned to 8th Company U.S. Coast Artillery; discharged 3/1/1910 by reason

of purchase - a corporal.

Emergency address: W. S. Jervey, 27th U.S. Infantry

[75th Company stationed at Ft. Preble, Spring Point, South Portland, Maine. Ft. Prebble was built

in 1808 and manned until 1950. Confederate soldiers captured in an unsuccessful raid on Portland

Harbor were imprisoned there in 1863.]

According to military records, DeVeaux was 70 inches tall, weighed 167 pounds at his heaviest, but

wasted to 116 pounds near his death. A 1932 medical examination noted that he had a good heart

(no murmurs), but suffered chronic appendicitis, which "causes considerable indigestion."

Brockton Enterprise, November 29, 1939:

"Stephen Jervey, 63, of Holbrook, Dead. Holbrook, Nov. 29 - Stephen D. Jervey, 63, of Royal

avenue, died early Tuesday morning at a hospital in Brockton, where he was taken on Monday

afternoon. Mr. Jervey had been ill during the past two years, but continued his business until about

six months ago when he was forced to relinquish his duties on account of poor health. He suffered

a severe attack on Monday and was removed to the hospital for a blood transfusion."

Stephen DeVeaux Jervey and Susan Genevieve McBride had the following children:

i. JAMES LAIRD5 JERVEY was born on 01 May 1911 in Newton, Middlesex, MA. He died

on 12 May 1911 in Newton, Middlesex, MA.

Notes for James Laird Jervey:

Died of meningitis; buried in Cavalry Cemetery Waltham, MA

ii. MARIAN DEVEAUX JERVEY was born on 03 Dec 1912 in Newton, Middlesex, MA. She

died on 12 Apr 1958 in Holbrook, Norfolk, MA.

Notes for Marian DeVeaux Jervey:

According to her father's veteran's records, Marian suffered an attack of infantile

paralysis at age 3. In a subsequent letter to the Veterans Administration, her

mother said she was a victim of poliomyelitis in 1916. The cause of death on her

death certificate is listed as: Cardiac Decomposition Cor Pulmonale.

7. iii. CAROLYN RAVENEL JERVEY was born on 11 Jul 1915 in Norwood, Norfolk, MA. She

died on 06 Oct 1960 in Brockton, Plymouth, MA (Died of an aortyic aneurism

related to Marfan's syndrome.). She married PAUL EDWARD LONG. He was born on

25 Apr 1907. He died on 27 Jul 1992 in Yarmouth Port, Barnstable, MA.

8. iv. CHARLES STEVENS JERVEY was born on 10 Jun 1922 in Stoughton, Norfolk, MA. He

died on 17 Sep 1979 in Boston, Suffolk, MA. He married Eida Valetta Marie Thelen,

daughter of Otto Heinrich Leonard Thelen and Eida Agnes Louise Bartels, on 04

Sep 1943 in Marblehead, Essex, MA. She was born on 22 Oct 1923 in Lynn, Essex,

MA. She died on 22 Oct 1993 in Amesbury, Essex, MA.

Generation 5 later….


Lots more so will have to make a new page for Bill’s branch of the family tree.