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Text Box: Troy Family
Text Box: The Jeanne Family

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Text Box: Val’s mum and dad on their wedding day

Victor Auguste Adolphe Jeanne( 3/10/1912 to 1994)  
Phyllis Doreen Wilson (18/12/1914 to 1962) were
Married on 20th Feb 1934 at St Thomas’s RC

Val’s grandmother was Violet Elizabeth Wilson (Le Conte )
b 1889. Grandfather Henry Wilson b1879. Both in Jersey
Phyllis’s only brother was George Wilson.


Grandpa and Grandma Jeanne


Victor Adolphe Charles Jeanne ( 1853 to 1931)

Married  at St Martins RC church in 1886 to

Louisa Maria Alphonsine Jeanne nee Egret

(1870 to 1958)













Victor and Phyllis with her father who is

Valerie’s Grandfather Henry Charles Wilson

( recently discovered he worked for the Troy’s as a Docker

along with his older brother Edward).

My wife Valerie’s parents were Victor and Phyllis Jeanne, nee Wilson.


Val’s only brother is also Victor.


Victor and Phyllis.


Val’s Mum worked in service as a cook at the former Hotel Christina when it was a private house. D’hautree House before it was a school and Government House on special functions.

Valerie (left) and Odette playing chess Christmas 1962 when Valerie lived with Uncle Ernie and Aunty Elvina not long after her mother had died that year.

Valerie’s grandmother Violet Elizabeth Le Conte died when her little daughter Phyllis was twelve years old then Phyllis (aged 47) Val’s mother also died (of breast cancer) when Valerie her daughter was  twelve.

Victor (left) Val’s dad, at his first communion  with his brother Bill




This is just some of the extensive work carried out by Valerie’s cousin Odette on the Jeanne family tree.

Text Box: Above Left. Val and Victor with their mum Phyllis and their dog.

Above right. Victor and his mum.

Left Val and her brother Victor.

Val’s dad and mum.

Aunty Elvina (carrying  her daughter Elvina) and Phyllis Valerie’s mum.

Val’s dad Victor and family friend Garnet.

Above: Valerie’s grandfather is Victor Adolphe Charles (b1853).

Her Great grand parents were Pierre Jean (b1806) and Virginie nee Bacheley.

Her Great great Grandparents were Pierre Jean (b1777) and Marie Le Miere.


Above: The 20 children of Victor and Louise (nee Egret) of which Victor Auguste Adolphe ( second youngest) is Valerie’s father.



Above All Valerie’s cousins.



Valerie’s father Victor Auguste Adolphe the second youngest  is buried in Trinity Church Cemetery with her mother Phyllis. He died at 3:50 am in Bournemouth hospital on the 22nd Feb 1994 holding Valerie’s hand.

He died of a leg haemorrhage the day after his operation on his toe in 1994 in his 82nd year.


Phyllis Doreen Wilson. Confirmed St Heliers Parish Church Sunday 18th May 1930 by Dr Cecil Boutflower Lord Archbishop of Southampton. Victor wanted her to be buried in the Catholic Church but was denied. Buried at Trinity church which was originally a Catholic church. Valerie was only 12 years old and still has her mother’s little confirmation missal.

Valerie’s mother attended Catholic Mass and brought her children as Catholics. Her brother was George Wilson father of Yolande and Anabella.

Valerie’s father Victor Jeanne’s 1st Communion was 10th August 1924 and sponsored by Monsieu Madame Huchet who gave him a missal that Valerie still has.




The Jeanne Family. (compiled by Odette).

Valerie meeting Father Christmas about the age of eight

Right is Valerie at De La Salle College fete, she has loved horses all her life.


Above that is Val in the present day

The Jeanne family crest

Jeanne family crest

Little Valerie

 Valerie’s brother Victor and Maureen’s wedding 28th July 1981


 Sadly Maureen died 23rd Feb 2007 on her 63rd birthday.


I was privileged to be their best man at their wedding


Below is Val’s Grandmother, one with some of her sons and one with their horse.

Below is Odette’s father Val’s uncle Ernie a well known farmer in St Brelade all courtesy of Odette.

I have just started research on the Wilson side of Val’s family.

Val’s mum Phyllis had one brother George Wilson. His two daughter’s (Val’s cousins) were Yolande and Anabella.