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Last update Feb 2025


February 25

Website administrator Maurice R. Troy

Richard & Eva Troy

Left: My parents on Greve De Lecq beach I think, with Dick, Anne, Dennis and Mary before the second World War. I was not born yet.


Just before the second World war .

Left: Dad and Mum with Dick and Anne.


Right: Mum at Greve D’azette beach with Dick , Anne, Dennis and Mary

These two are of my dad in his best suit with Dick and Anne in the late thirties at Stafford house on Trinity Hill where they lived.

At a wedding at St Mathew’s church St Peter about 1958 with Anne missing as she was bridesmaid. I always wore my school uniform on special occasions.

Our house where we all grew up and Mary my sister was born. 28,Samares Avenue St Clement a three bed roomed house where the seven of us lived. Outside is Anne with her friend Andre Battini from France who stayed with us. Really happy times there.

Above is all of us having Christmas dinner at my brother Dick and Monique’s flat at Vale Court St Helier shortly after they returned from living in Canada.

Three pictures of us as a family over the years one in our garden at Samares with Trixie our Welsh Corgi, one is at Dennis’s house in St Martin and one in my garden in St Peter in 1987 for Marianne my daughters first communion.

The five of us taken in 1947. Left to right is Maurice ( me seated ), Anne, Dennis, Richard and Mary.

My father Richard and mother Eva in the last few years of happiness together. He was only 64 when he died and my mother was 56 but she lived on to 90 years of age.

My Mother Eva Marianne Rose Troy.


See her hard early life

My Dad Richard (Dick) Troy. This was his last passport photo and I remember he wasn’t to happy because he happened to have a sty under his eye that week

Above: Me and Val top left and all my brothers and sisters with our families and my mum at my brother Dick’s house in St Brelade for a Bar-B-Que.

All of us a bit earlier at my mothers home in  28,Samares Avenue.

Above My father Dick next to the banner during the annual Corpus Christi procession through the streets of  St Helier. Below my dad carrying the canopy in another year. The whole of De La Salle College and Beaulieu Convent School also took part.

Above : The original St Patrick’s church about the time it closed in 1948 which was a converted chicken house (previously a scout hut) situated opposite Samares stores on the inner road St Clement.

Above: The new St Patrick’s church which played a big part in our whole family’s life.

Above: St Patrick’s church was built by my uncles John Troy’s building firm on land that was gifted by him at the bottom of Samares avenue.

Father Dennis Ryan

Father R. Conway

Above: Father Hickey with my proud mum, dad and me when Dennis and Mary won all those cups and prizes for running in the FB playing fields.

Above: Father Hickey with from left to right my brother Dennis , Patrick Harrison, the late Johnny Grier and other alter boys.

Above; My confirmation at St Patrick’s church 3rd May 1953 with Father Denis Peter Ryan (ordained 1947). I’m the one in long white trousers. And I remember that after mass my Uncle George gave me 2/6d.

Above: We had regular avenue parties which led to a great community spirit. This one was for the coronation in 1953.

My mother and father brought us up as Roman Catholics and religion played a big part in our early lives. Unfortunately things have changed now and although we brought our children up the same way there has been a slow drift away but it still leaves a good foundation to the way we live our life.

Richard and Eva Troy

Footnote: My parents can be proud as they did a good job in raising myself, my two brothers and two sisters as we have all enjoyed long and happy marriages just as they did.

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My Dad and Mum with their French friends we called Uncle Bino and Aunty Memem ( Albino and Germaine Tugnoli  a tailor from Italy ). He really made us laugh. Good fun. See below.

Above is Dad and Mum with Dick and Anne at Stafford house Trinity hill where they lived before the war. Anne and Dennis were born there.

From the age of 19 till I was 24 years old I was given the job to lock St Patrick’s church every night to help Father Antony Moore as there was no priest’s house nearby in those days. I started by locking it at 9pm but as I was single and out a lot it became later and later if fact usually after midnight. I used to stop my car in the road and walk around the side of the church and enter through the locked sacristy, then unlock the internal door into the church itself. With the minimum of lights  on (because of neighbours)  I would walk to the main doors to bolt them internally and return the way I came. One night I did this but when returning from the now locked porch found a man sitting motionless and upright in one of the pews. He had been laying there drunk and the noise of the bolts had woken him. He wanted to be left there but I had to escort him out. Another time late I entered the dark church and found a coffin lying in rest and had to lock myself in with it. Walking back up the isle towards it was strangely eerie but I went straight to it placed my hand on it, said a prayer and felt no fear.. It was a young man in his twenties and from then on the coffins never worried me. 

My Dad and Mum

Mum and Dad with Aunty Memem

Below: My brother Dennis looking very smart.

My Dad Richard Troy ( Dick ) taken by me 1958

On Sundays the whole family and friends  would sit at the side of our house which was a large field (not ours, owned by Mr Le Masuirer) and relax in the sun

Dad relaxing at my brother Dick’s house in the late 1950’s

Dad and Uncle Bino

Mum in her new slippers that I bought her for her birthday when I was about 12 years old.



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The person who has had the greatest influence on my life, was my father.

Stirling Castle (was haunted according to my mum) where my Mum was working and living as house maid when she met my Father. He was living at her aunt Le Vey’s Stafford house on Trinity hill. My mum had to  clean and light all the coal fires in every room as part of her domestic chores everyday.

I was eighteen years old when my father died.


I was lucky enough to have driven  him to St Helier harbour on some Sunday mornings where he told me many stories of his past there. Such as the two cranes that  had fallen into the water during his time one of which  had a boy who was with the operator in the cab and who survived.

This was all in a time when Jersey was really beautiful and the best place in the world to live. Sadly if my parents were able to come back they would not know where they were as it is unrecognisable and spoilt  now in 2025 in my opinion.

I know life must go on but I am so pleased I grew up and lived on the island of Jersey during the time I did.

It is still a beautiful island.